Cymex cream starts to work the moment you use it. Its Triple Action relieves and promotes the healing of painful and unsightly cold sores and dry cracked lips.
Soothes away the tingling burning sensation.
Stops lips from drying and cracking.
Controls infection through anti-bacterial action and promotes faster healing.
Product Size: 5g
How to use Cymex cream:
Simply smooth Cymex over your lips as soon as you feel a suspicious tingle or burning sensation.
Repeat every hour until the cold sore fades and your lips will feel smooth and supple once more.
Hazards and Cautions
Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
Keep out of reach of children.
Always read the product information leaflet before using this product.
Side Effects
No side effects reported
Active ingredients:
Urea BP 1.0% w/w, Dimethicone 350 BPC 9.0% w/w, Cetrimide BP 0.5% w/w, Chlorocresol BP 0.1% w/w.