Balance Activ BV Treatment Gel is a quick, safe and effective way to treat Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) by restoring the natural pH level in the vagina and supporting the natural flora in the vagina. The easy to use gel comes in a disposable applicator tube, which is simply inserted into the vagina, squeezed, then removed and discarded. This clinically proven treatment contains no antibiotics but has been shown to be as effective as the antibiotic Metronidazole/Flagyl.
The treatment course lasts seven days but you should notice an improvement in BV symptoms within 2-3 days. Balance Activ BV Treatment Gel is suitable to use in pregnancy, breastfeeding or using alongside antibiotics. The gel can be used for both treatment of BV and prevention of BV recurrence.
Strengthens and supports healthy vaginal flora
pH balancing by lowering and stabilising the pH value in the vagina
Reduces odour and abnormal discharge
Relieves any itching and burning sensations
Moisturising and hydrating the vaginal tract
Prevents recurrence of BV