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NiQuitin Patches provide 24 hour craving relief and can help you stop smoking. If you smoke your first cigarette of the day within 20-30 minutes of waking up, a 24 hour patch may suit you better. There are three steps of NiQuitin patches available, allowing you to vary and reduce the amount of nicotine you need.
There is a NiQuitin Stop Smoking propgram to suit you, whether you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day (10 week program) or less than 10 cigarattes per day (8 week program).
How To Use NiQuitin Nicotine Replacemtn Patches
Apply the NiQuitin Patch to a clean, dry, and relatively hairless part of the body, such as the upper arm, back or chest. Do not use oils or talcum powder on the skin before applying, as it may prevent the patch from sticking properly.
Each NiQuitin Patch comes in an individual sachet. Peel off the metallic backing film from the patch and press it firmly on to your skin for 10 seconds.
Only one patch should be applied at a time. Do not cut a patch into half or smaller pieces.
Change the patch after 24 hours and apply a new one to a different site on your arm, chest or back. Do not wear the same patch for more than 24 hours as it will lose strength and may irritate your skin.
If you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day
If you smoke less than 10 cigarettes a day
Each patch releasees 21mg Nicotine over a 24 hour period
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