NICORETTE QuickMist is clinically proven to be 2.5 times more effective at helping smokers quit than by willpower alone. The fine spray format is an effective way of replacing some of the nicotine your body is used to getting from cigarettes, allowing you to relieve your nicotine cravings wherever and whenever you feel them.
The nicotine is absorbed quickly into your body through the mouth lining, helping to rapidly relieve the urge to smoke. By tackling these cravings as quickly as possible, you can regain control and feel more confident about your journey to a smoke free life.
Simple to use
• Convenient for use on the go when travelling or at work
• Clinically proven to help double your chances of quitting smoking successfully when compared to quitting with will[power alone
• Begins working on Nicotine cravings within 60 seconds of use
• Quickly absorbed through the lining of your mouth to allow almost instant relief of Nicotine cravings
• Provides a safer alternative to smoking
Product Available in Single or Double Spray.